How Do I Find A Certified Shopify Expert?

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I design, build and maintain Shopify ecommerce stores just like this one

Certified by Shopify

Shopify ensures your success by ensuring access to experts that can guide, educate and support new and seasoned members -- and Shopify requires a comprehensive set of courses and tests be taken to earn certification.

I walk in your shoes every day 

I am not just an adviser. I own and operate of a large-scale store. Compare my expertise to providers who just bill for services rendered, never having walked in your shoes.

  • Strategic planning
  • Initial store set-up
  • Inbound marketing programs
  • Content development
  • Copywriting
  • Technical and on-page SEO
Want details on what it took to create this Shopify store?

I began with nothing. No capital. No knowledge. No plan. No skills. If you think this store has value -- and you wonder how I generate traffic -- maybe we should share each other's visions.