BellyRash Rules For Creating Skateboard Deck Art

Own it
You must be the exclusive owner of the copyright for your deck design, which means you must have created the artwork yourself. Absolutely no copyrighted material can be used without the owner's approval.
Be kind
Social commentary is welcomed. Hate speech commenting on race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, politics, individual persons, institutions is strictly prohibited. Discretion is reserved.
Sole discretion
I own sole discretion over which deck designs are featured on BellyRash. The process is fluid. If the design is projected to compete successully worldwide, it's inclusion is likely. All decisions are final.
Everybody is welcomed
Art can change the world -- and everyone is an artist. From software designers to kindergartners to Goths to engineers to actors to studio owners to car mechanics. Every freak. Every normie. Everybody.
Precision required
The technical specifications described here need to be followed precisely. Any deviation for the specifications will disqualify the deck from being incuded on the BellyRash website permanently.
The Buck Stops Here
In addition to control over the deck design submission process, I retain control over every other aspect of the BellyRash platform. If you have a question, please submit it using the contact form.