Follow These Directions Precisely

How to prepare an insanely great deck design
Begin with the end in mind
Create high resolution (300PI) artwork from the beginning. Choose a design category and draw or paint using your software of choice. Using this guideline gives you the greatest chance for a developing high quality deck design -- from submission to approval.
Important Deck Design Categories
Understanding and following the artwork / production specifications below -- and the two different submission sizes -- is absolutely critical. The importance of adhering to these specifications cannot be overstated. Any deviation from the exact specifications shown below -- for both of the submission steps-- will disqualify your deck design.
Please read everything carefully. No questions will be answered about any deviation or alteration.
9" X 34"
300 DPI
How to price your deck design
Minimum retail price = $99.00
The minimum retail price for your deck design is $99.00. You will make $20.00 for every sale at that price. You are free to price your deck higher and you will keep every dollar above $99.00. As an example, if a customer buys your deck design for $99.00, you will earn a $20.00 profit. If a customer buys your deck for $109.00, you will earn a $30.00, etc.
Your deck design submission
Technical specifications for your initial submission
Your initial deck design submission should be an exact low resolution version (72 DPI) of your finished high resolution (300 DPI) artwork described above. The ONLY difference between your final high resolution artwork and your initial submission artwork in the resolution. No other differences will be accepted.
9" X 34"
72 DPI
Design review
Question 1: Do I like it?
In addition to representing you, your artwork represents BellyRash. I am the steward of the BellyRash brand. First among the two questions is if I personally enjoy your artwork. The answer to this question is very subjective. That said, I enjoy all kinds of artwork, especially artworks that adhere to one of the categories listed here.
Question 2 : Will it sell?
If you make money, I make money, so I want as many popular decks as possible on the BellyRash website. In addition to the first questions, the answer to this question is subjective but, as the platform develops, more data will be available concerning the commercial viability of a deck design.
Acceptance / Rejection
Email response: Yes / No
Following your initial submission, you will receive an email letting you know if your deck design has been accepted. If your design is not accepted, the process ends. If your deck design is accepted for inclusion in BellyRash, you will receive an email with further instructions, beginning with the requirement that you send your final digital file within 24 hours.
Please monitor your email closely after your submission, in many cases it will take time to review your deck design. I cannot adhere to specific timeframes. Sometimes you will receive a response in two days, sometimes it will take two months.
Acceptance: 24 hour response time
Please check your email regularly. If your design is approved, you have 24 hours to send your final high resolution (300 DPI) digital file using the link that will be sent with the mail. If I don't receive the digital file within 24 hours, I will have to accept other files.
Please respond quickly.
Acceptance: 300 DPI digital file
If accepted, you must send a copy of the original high resolution artwork (300 DPI) without any changes. It must match the low resolution version submitted exactly or the design cannot be included on the BellyRash platform.
Rejection: Four reasons
If your deck design is not accepted, it will likely be for one of four reasons:
1. I believe it won't sell
2. I do not like the artwork
3. It does not meet the exact technical requirements
4. It violates any of the rules and regulations found here
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