Complete Decks, Components And Partner Promotions

I sell skateboard decks

I want to do one thing and do it well -- design and market skateboard decks. I want my friends to love their decks, and I know that asking you to buy components elsewhere is asking a lot, but I'm asking -- and I'm going to try to make it easy.


Two options to get a complete BellyRash skateboard:

Option 1

Order the necessary components online and assemble the deck at home -- best for the experienced skateboarder

I am an affiliate, mostly with Amazon, and while I know some skaters don't want to buy from Amazon, I see no reason to spend more than is necessary. If you don't want to use Amazon, check out the links to local skate shops and other providers below.

Option 2

Set an appointment with your local skate shop to bring your BellyRash deck in, purchase their components and have a professional assemble the complete board

Periodic product promotion

I am always on the lookout for good deals with skate shops and companies worldwide, trying to feature at least one product each month